What are Natural Flavourings?
Definition: Natural flavourings are called natural because the source of the flavouring originates from a natural source - such as trees, animals, etc., but there’s more to the story.
Reality Check: These supposedly ‘natural’ sources often undergo so much processing that the end result is chemically identical to artificial flavours. And the original source of the natural flavouring is rarely the ingredient it purports to be. Did you know that natural flavourings used in some strawberry drinks originates from bark?
The Confusing Aura of “Natural”
Consumer Perception: The term “natural” conjures images of fresh, healthy ingredients. But the reality is often far different.
Eye-Opening Example: If you saw “natural flavouring” in an apple drink listed on your beverage then you would expect the flavouring to have come from apples, right? Think again. In some cases, it is actually derived from wood shavings - nothing like apples.
Contrast this with nunc: We only use real, all-natural ingredients. No short cuts, just real flavour. When we say we use mango, it is actually mango, not lab created flavour.
Natural vs. Artificial: A Thin Line
Molecular Similarity: The only difference between natural and artificial flavours is where they started, not where they end up. They are made exactly the same way, except natural flavourings starts with a natural source (for example, in some places they use wood shavings for an apple flavour). In simple terms, artificial flavourings are 100% chemicals, and natural flavourings are 90% chemicals (and don't forget the natural source of the flavouring is more likely to have nothing to do with the actual ingredient).
The Murky Waters of Processing & Additives
Processing: Before being added to your drink, these so-called natural flavourings go through complex chemical processes. In fact, most natural flavourings are 90% chemicals.
Additives: They can't produce these flavourings without using additives. These additives are never declared on the label. What are these additives? Solvents, emulsifiers, preservatives, propylene glycol and more.
Regulatory Loopholes
Labelling: To make matters even more confusing, UK laws allow these flavourings to be simply labelled as “natural flavourings,” leaving consumers in the dark about their origins. There is no requirement to say, for example, to create a natural apple flavouring the natural source was wood shavings.
Comparatively: nunc chooses transparency. We tell you exactly what’s in your drink.
Ethical & Sustainability Concerns
Resource-Intensive: Extracting these natural flavours uses up valuable environmental resources. It generates emissions. How can a business claim to be sustainable, yet include these polluting ingredients in their drinks?
Nunc’s Approach: For us, sustainability is a responsibility, not just a trend. From packaging to ingredients, we strive to make the greenest choices possible.
The Bottom Line
Transparency and Integrity: We’re all about giving you the full picture so you can “Drink Mindfully” and truly know what you’re consuming.
Not all "All Natural” drinks are equal. Just because it’s labelled “all natural” doesn’t mean it is.